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  • Writer's pictureSteve

JUNG_E (2023)

Well Netflix aren't mucking about this year are they? Having read earlier today that the amount of Korean projects on the platform could be as many as 40 for 2023, this expresses a great deal of confidence and early indications here would suggest that this confidence is not without suitable merit, if you like this type of thing, of course.

JUNG_E, as you will quickly realise, is more about the visual content rather than the literal one. Perhaps a good deal of this is lost in the frankly painful dubbing, but the exposition seems horribly jilted, laboured and if we're honest, just a bit unbelievable.

The acting is far from great, but it is a treat for the eyeballs, to be sure, and it looks prohibitively expensive for what it is, but what plaudits it garners in style is outweighed by its lack of credible substance and delivery.

Skirting a little too close to 'Ghost In The Shell' in its plotting, its lofty ambitions are brought into sharp focus, even if that is where it's lacking. As a dystopian future nightmare, it is quite inventive, but rarely delivered well enough to truly buy into. I might go so far as to say that this may have come off better as a CGI animated feature, due to reduced expectancy in acting prowess.

The third act redresses the balance somewhat where there is an intermittent and sporadic element of soul present in an otherwise cold and unfeeling project, if in the event you're still watching, that is.

In all, an affable and engaging enough stab at subject matter that has been done better and often. Not the joy to sit through that it might have been with too many moments of curious performance that will make you wince and pull you from any moments of immersion.


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