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The Acolyte (S01)

Well well well, what do we have here? An eight episode Star Wars bolt-on? An egregious cash cow debutante that has no real reason for being? Or a worthy addition to the canon of the most successful (let's not forget profitable) franchise in cinematic history since the dawn of moviemaking?

When I heard about the impending existence of this series, long before its eventual arrival, I was somewhat cheered. Now this was mostly because it was going to feature Carrie-Ann Moss, who is about as glued on as a Jedi as anyone that hasn't already been cast as one.

And sure enough, when the first episode aired, we were introduced to Master Andara (Moss). It was a good job I was paying attention because it was a while before we saw her again, having been dispatched by the Acolyte in question; one of two sisters from a distant planet, raised by witches and birthed by magic. It would be Andara's executioner that we would be spending most of our time with. A fiery, young, independent woman. Yawn.

Now that would have been bearable if the writers of the show displayed any understanding of the Star Wars universe and fans have been picking holes in the story, the convenient narrative, the continuing female-centric focus that runs through al of Disney's attempts to subvert the original Star Wars into something else, something on brand, something, essentially, that it isn't or should ever have been.

By the end of episode eight, this fails like many have before it to even convince the most ardent well-wishers for its' success. If not for the branding and the name, which Disney paid a pretty price for, then this would be unrecognisable as anything you could legitimately describe as canon-worthy. It is becoming an all too common complaint.

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