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  • Writer's pictureSteve

Time Off

Updated: Aug 20, 2022

Ladies & Gentlemen, please enjoy a smattering of Mr Henry Mancini as you peruse this latest addition to the blog. Just press play.

Circumstances have forced me to take a week or two off from the continuing unadulterated joy of reviewing movies and television. I am quite a way ahead of my targets for the year anyway so far, so I don't feel like I'm shirking or anything. This is not out of choice or tardiness, goodness no.

With the swift exit of my son from the flat (got a new place at short notice, taking his internet contract with him) I am left temporarily barren and fallow, digitally at least, for the time being. I am reliably informed that this will only be for a short period until MY new provider can take over. No fixed date at the moment, despite the fact they've already had it away with my cash, but firm promises and agreeable murmurings suggest by the middle of the month. Never fear, it won't be for long. In the meantime, do what you always do and go somewhere else.

Have a great couple of weeks from your favourite self-proclaimed volcel.


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